Espoir Tai - La Santé Rurale

January 2008

  • The first round of sensibilisations about hygiene of the body, home and village has started in Ponan and Daobly and will go on until april/mai in Tai, Gouiliako and Paule-Oula.

December 2007

  • 2007/12/23: Interview with Nadin Eckhardt about Espoir Tai in the news on the national TV and radio chanals.

  • 2007/12/20: HIV/Aids sensibilisation day in Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en  Côte d`Ivoire. Public talk about "The activities of Espoir Tai in 2007" by Nadin Eckhardt. Participants in the seminar e.g. La Ministre de VIH/Sida Côte d`Ivoire Mme Prof. Dr. E. Ehua and the Directeur Exécutif of Alliance Côte d´Ivoire

  • 2007/12/18: The wooden placards for the sensibilisation lesson "Hygiene" are finished and had been handed over to Espoir Tai on the 18th of december in Tai.

September 2007

  • The making of the wooden placards by Roman Ble started. He will be the local painting artist of Espoir Tai.
  • The german NGO  Aidshilfe Zwickau  is supporting Espoir Tai with information materials (flyers and brochures). The team of Espoir Tai thanks for this support!


  • The german newspaper "Mindener Tageblatt" is publishing an interview with Nicole Borgmann, president of the German NGO NEIA e.V., concerning their activities e.g. supporting Espoir Tai

July 2007

  • After a visit to Germany, Nadin Eckhardt is back to Ivory Coast, preparing the next condom distibution actions,
    coordination and organisation of the informations campaigns.

  • Julia Riedel will answer your questions during the time when the directer is working in Africa.

  • The german NGO NEIA e.V. is supporting Espoir Tai to do 5 informations campaigns in the villages. 
    The team of Espoir Tai thanks for this support!

June 2007

  • In June 2007 the Project Espoir Tai was officialy foundet by Nadin Eckhardt after more than one year of engagement with Camille Bolé, in HIV/Aids education and prevention in Tai and surrounding villages like Ponan.

  • Julia Riedel becomes the responsible for the Coordination Germany of Espoir Tai.

December 2005 to May 2007

  • The CSRS wants to distribute condoms among the CSRS employees in the Tai National Park. The TCP/TMP students Nadin Eckhardt and Karim Ouattara take over the chellange to start  discussions and establish information campaigns for the  reserch assistants.
  • Due to the limit numbers and the only purpose to hand over the condoms to the employees, the TCP assistant Camille Bolé and Nadin Eckhardt starts to hand over condoms in the village of Ponan that had been financed by themselves. This privat initiative represents the idea and the begining of Espoir Tai and finaly the project Espoir Tai started with fisrt talks about HIV and Aids in Ponan.
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